No child deserves to go hungry

but many do, especially during school holidays

Feed A Child Torbay is a local group, formed in 2017, as a "sticking plaster" for holiday hunger among children whose families would struggle to compensate for the lack of free school meals at that time.

We work with primary schools and early years providers in Torbay. The pastoral care/family support tutors at schools know the families and know which ones really need some extra help.

We provide non-perishable meal kits to the schools, for distribution to the families.

We are a member of the Torbay Food Alliance, working in cooperation with other food providers in Torbay and in Devon. Our funding comes from donations and the occasional successful grant application.

Volunteer with Feed A Child Torbay – There is plenty that you could do such as contacting schools, packing meal kits, delivering to schools, sewing bags, developing meals, comparing prices, shopping for specific foods, writing a newsletter, fundraising, or whatever might help!

To donate non-perishable food

To donate money

Many of our meal kits use:

  • By BACS or Standing Order,so that we get 100% of your donation: NatWest, Feed A Child Torbay, sort code 60 21 48, acct 59167688
Tinned tuna
Tinned fruit
Tinned veg
Tinned potatoes
Chunky soup
Tinned meatballs
Tinned mince
Pasta, Rice
Pasta sauce
Baked beans
Instant mash
Chicken & white sauce
Tinned rice pudding
Tinned hotdogs
Drop off donations at any of the addresses below or email to arrange collection
➔ 6 Orchid Way, Torquay, TQ2 8GR (home)
➔ Play Café, 161 Union Street, Torquay, TQ1 4BX

➔ Wellswood/Babbacombe Dental, 321 Babbacombe Road, TQ1 3TB
➔ 4 Ebeneezer Road, Paignton, TQ3 3RL (home) 

Your support goes a long way to help feed children in the school holidays.

You can also use our Amazon wish list to send some of the foods we use most to us!

Feed A Child Torbay is a small, local, charitable organization. We are not (yet) registered as a charity.

Our constitution follows, with current trustees listed at the end.